Welcome to 2024
Sponsors and Donors Urgently Needed!!!
Dear Members, Friends, and Archivists,
The Marina del Rey Historical Society (MdRHS) serves Marina del Rey as a primary local source of the area’s historical archives and information. In order to showcase the exhibits and historical resource of our community in our Fisherman’s Village gallery, continued funding and community involvement is needed.
Community involvement is the key. We are reaching out to everyone to ensure that our historical archives are accessible to those who live here and to those who visit our community that have an interest in the Marina’s heritage.
Dedicated in 1965, Marina del Rey at 57 years old, is one of the youngest communities in Los Angeles. However, the rich history of the Marina is not well known. We are amazed at the number of local residents who visit the gallery and tell us they were unaware of the area’s history.
To further Marina del Rey Historical Society’s educational history and outreach to the broader population, continuous funding is necessary.
All donations receive a limited 50th Anniversary Pin, donations of $100.00 receive a FREE 8.5 x 11 photo, donations of $500.00 receive a FREE 11 x 17 photo, donations of $1,000.00 or more receive a FREE 16 x 20. To choose your photo visit the MdRHS gallery in Fisherman’s Village or our website at www.marinadelreyhistoricalsociety.org
Please help by donating, and spreading the word.
Howard Wenger
Marina del Rey Historical Society
(424) 391-6976
History Preserved – History Remembered
This is our primary focus and if you have a passion for history and like conversing with others about preserving the Marina’s heritage, then we would love to have you join us.
We are seeking Volunteers and Local Archivists, also, if you are an Intern working toward being a Historical Steward and need hours towards your graduation, then here are some of the areas we could use your help and expertise…
Membership outreach
Archivist – Organization of our Archives.
Community Functions – Booth operations at local and major events.
Fundraising – Organize and assist at various fundraisers.
Grant Writer – Find and write for funding on local, state, and federal levels
Newsletter & Publicity – Provide content for web-site, newsletters, flyers and Social Media platforms for promotions and events.
Tech Support – Update and add content for our web-site and Social Media platforms.
Please leave your information below, or contact Howard at (424) 391-6976.

Howard Wenger

Marina del Rey Historical Society at Fisherman's Village

Willie Hjorth and Marina del Rey Historical Society Exhibit at ArtSea

Marina del Rey History via ZOOM!
Marina del Rey Historical Society presented a MARINA DEL REY HISTORY ZOOM event with David Maury, January 13, 2021, hosted by Del Rey Yacht Club (parts 1 and 2): Part 1: https://youtu.be/_ndRdtg3YaU . Part 2: https://youtu.be/uBpKkjrM5bs
Marina del Rey Historical Society (MdRHS) has been the community’s leading curator of Marina del Rey-related historical photos, slides, documents, newspaper and magazine articles, memorabilia and recorded oral histories. Since its inception in 2007, MdRHS has...
Why Preserve the History of Marina del Rey?
Despite failed attempts spanning decades, the vision of a developed harbor at Playa del Rey inlet persisted over many decades. What finally emerged in the early 1960‘s was worth the wait. With a staggering eight miles of crafted waterfront encompassing 400 acres of...
Christine Rohde
CHRISTINE ‘CRIS’ ROHDE passed away on September 7, losing her battle with cancer. A longtime Marina del Rey resident and community leader, Ms. Rohde served on the board of directors for Marina del Rey’s Holiday Boat Parade, Marina del Rey Historical Society, Santa...
Academic intern and researcher Anna Parmalee
This past Fall 2019, Marina del Rey Historical Society welcomed academic intern and researcher Anna Parmelee. Anna had been attending Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, completing her Master of Arts degree in Curatorial and Museum Studies with specific core focus...
Click on any image to launch a slide show with more information per image
Venice beach on the left, the future site of Playa Vista along Ballona Creek, and current Playa del Rey on the right
Marina del Rey
1964 Westways Magazine details the history of the area soon to be Marina del Rey
1964 Westways Magazine
Venice Peninsula Oilfields in the 1930s. Flooded farmlands were tilled to promote drainage and grow crops.
Venice Peninsula Oilfields 1930s
December 11, 1957: Marina del Rey Dedication and Ground Breaking
1957: Marina del Rey Dedication and Ground Breaking
1967 Seawall construction showing oil derricks on Venice Peninsula in the background.
1967: Seawall construction
Highway 1 still runs along the beachfront as the Main Channel is dredged. It will soon be routed around the harbor.
Highway 1
United States Coast Guard Station Marina del Rey under construction. Families drove on empty streets to get to the Pieces of Eight Restaurant where a “peg leg pirate” met you at the door.
USCG Station
Villa del Mar Marina in 1963. Without the docks built out the boaters have the kind of room sailors wish they had today!
Villa del Mar Marina
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers construct a scale model of Marina del Rey to study wave action after “The Surge”
Scale model of MdR
Temporary Baffles were build in the Marina in 1963 to protect the harbor from further storm damage. Businesses came back and boats went back in the water.
Temporary Baffles 1963
1963 Breakwater construction. Shows a great view of the actual wave action.
1963 Breakwater construction
The breakwater protection allowed the development of land “moles” and marinas to continue
The breakwater
Hughes Aircraft complex with the Pacific Electric Railway (the white arrow) running along a path that would be great to have today to mitigate traffic.
Hughes Aircraft
Just up the street from all the construction, the infamous Spruce Goose was build by Howard Hughes in 1944
Spruce Goose in 1944
Charlie Brown’s Restaurant (now Tony P’s) bordered by Admiralty Way in 1965
Charlie Brown’s Restaurant
1Congressman Roosevelt © attends the groundbreaking of Neptune Marina in 1965
Groundbreaking of Neptune Marina
1969 Fisherman’s Village under construction. The frame of the Marina del Rey “lighthouse” protrudes into its space
1969 Fisherman’s Village
Warehouse Restaurant under construction even as CYC dinghys sit in the club’s mast up storage.
Warehouse Restaurant
Cyrano’s Restaurant under construction. The 2 story building down the street is South Coast Corinthian Yacht club. Its hungry sailors enjoyed the wafts of garlic dinners in the afternoons from Cyranos.
Cyrano’s Restaurant
Marina City Club’s first tower and footprint of two more. The walkway along the water leads to Mother’s Beach.
Marina City Club
MdR’s Mother’s Beach with volleyball nets, picnic and playground full of visitors
MdR’s Mother’s Beach
Ground breaking of Burton Chace Park, August 22, 1972. (from the left) Supervisor Burton Chace, Aubrey Austin, Art Will & Victor Adorian
Ground breaking – Burton Chace Park
The Helmsman, donated to Burton Chace Park by the Helms Bakery. A beautiful wooden ship’s wheel is a favorite for climbing!
The Helmsman statue
Sally Field as the “Flying Nun”
Marina del Rey has always been a favorite background for Hollywood. Here is Sally Field as the “Flying Nun” shot in the Marina
Frank Sinatra
Frank Sinatra in Marina del Rey’s Main Channel shooting a 1966 movie Assault on a Queen
The north-south commute along Highway 1 is diverted until this guy had an idea…
Commute along Highway 1 is Diverted
Tall Ships come into the Marina to celebrate special occasions. On this day, a very new Cal 20 sails by.
Tall Ships
The Holiday Boat Parade has been the second Saturday in December annually since 1963
The Holiday Boat Parade
Marina del Rey celebrated 50 years in April 2015 with three days of events
Marina del Rey celebrated 50 years
Special Events for the Marina’s 50th Birthday Celebration including a harbor tour sponsored by the Marina del Rey Historical Society
Special Events
The brig Irving Johnson and Topsail Schooner Amazing Grace provided a mock battle thrilling all in the area
Irving Johnson & Amazing Grace
The work of the Society can continue only with your generosity. Please donate today: